Sunday, January 27, 2013

And then there were two...

I finally got the terminator helmet done. Well, as done as I want it to be in Pep. I'll be creating custom vents for the helmet in something a bit stronger than card stock.

The terminator next to the Mk III

This was my second attempt at pep modeling, and I'm not sure I could have chosen a harder model to tackle. The termie helmet is really complex, and very asymmetrical (although I don't know why, these things should be able to be made as mirror halves).

 A bit rough, but usable (and I'm learning!)

Since the temperatures are still below freezing here in Zion, I won't be hardening these for a while. This will give me time to complete the other helmet peps I have lined up, as well as an idea for a totally original Chaplain's helmet... So stay tuned, there's more to come.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

OK, perhaps I have a few too many interests...

My lovely bride and I also keep bees.

We started about 4 years ago. We took a beekeeping class through the local university, and away we went. We now have 3 hives. This has resulted in a surfeit of delicious honey. We've considered selling it, but so far we haven't gotten around to it. This means that we have a lot of honey sitting around.

She Who Must Be Obeyed, 
harvesting honey on the sun porch

I have a couple of friends who brew their own beer. I've been curious about the process, but I don't like beer enough to spend the time brewing my own, when I can run to the store and buy a case of Corona (or one of our wonderful local brews). Then I remembered that mead is the granddaddy of brews. Mead is simple, honey, water, yeast. I have honey. I have water. I can get yeast. Bingo!

I just finished bottling my 4th batch of mead. So far, I've brewed 2 sweet meads and 2 dry meads.

My latest mead creations

Mead is wonderful, but you can't (well, you can, but you shouldn't) drink a lot of it. Mine tends to bottle up at about 15-16% alcohol. A little goes a long way. It's a hell of a nice way to pass an afternoon, however.

If you're interested in brewing you own mead, there are a lot of great resources. I particularly like Storm the Castle.