I work out at Ute Crossfit Sugarhouse. As a warm up we use a gadget called Iron Scap, a set of elastic bands that is used to mobilize and warm up the shoulders and shoulder girdle.
The handles look like this:
They are made from ABS plastic pipe sections. Over time, several of them have fatigued and broken. Replacing them is pretty much impossible, a neat case of planned obsolescence I imagine.
Colossus to the rescue! The only tricky part was designing a tube with an opening the webbing would slide through going in, but not going out. I realized that by rotating the slot along the tube about 30 degrees, the lip offset would keep the webbing from sliding out accidentally. Like so:
One quick print later, a prototype was born:
And it works like a charm. The next set will be slightly larger to match the original exactly. Now to contact the Iron Scap folks to try and sell them the idea!