Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Distractions ate my productivity....

I keep meaning to get back to some of the big projects I've started (like finishing my Pep Space Marine Helmets), but fun stuff and minutiae keep getting in the way.

One reason for this is that as soon as my friends heard that Colossus has taken up residence, they started coming up with clever things for him to create. A gardener friend lamented that she was having trouble keeping the snails out of her potted plants, and though that I should come up with a solution for her. So I came up with this:

Snails Beware!
I call it a SnailGuard (catchy, eh?). The modular construction makes it easily printable on most 3d printers, and allows assembly in a number of shapes by connecting them together using the little stakes pictured. The stakes act to hold the gadget in place, as well as together. I've also created a straight piece to allow assembly of non-circular shapes for larger or odd shaped containers. I'll be posting the files on Thingiverse soon if you'd like to download and make your own.

Another distraction was the chance to cross off one of our bucket list items, a trip to Havasupai, at the south rim of the Grand Canyon. If you're willing to do the ten mile hike down and back, it's a sight that is well worth seeing. We took the long way there in order to stay over in Durango, Colorado and visit Mesa Verde National Park, another must see destination. We hit the Four Corners monument along the way as well.

Balcony House at Mesa Verde

The Four Corners Survey Marker

Havasu Falls, Havasupai

 Hiking Havasu Creek among the lush mountain grape vines

Walking up creek towards Mooney Falls

And of course, I am my own worst distraction.... 

After coming home from Havasupai, I began to do some spring cleaning in the garage shop. I had recently purchased some parts bins from that one home place, and when I got them home I found that the manufacturer had decided that bin dividers were an accessory for which I ought to pay extra. Well, that wasn't happening. Colossus and I whipped up some of your own custom bin dividers. Two sizes, small and large!

Small bin divider, customized!

 The divider in place

 Poco y Grande, !Ole!

These will also go up on Thingiverse, but without the custom maker's mark. I'm vain, but come on.